Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Love Books!

We are finally experiencing some sunshine after nearly 3 weeks of grey skies and rain.Yesterday was about 15C and sunny so I threw off my boots and woollen tights and went barefoot! Probably a little rash, but the weather was glorious ... by comparison!

This morning I spent some time in the book store and bought two gorgeous books which I thought I'd share with you.

The first is a cook book by Sophie Dahl and the text, recipes and photos are all fantastic. I'm thinking if I can cook like Sophie, I might end up being as glamorous as her too! I can't wait to get cooking and baking. Lots of user friendly recipes.

The second one is called Dig and it's all about gardening. I thought that since I will have the task of turning 2 acres into a lush paradise in the near future, I'd better learn something about gardening! So for the rest of the day I will be sitting in a sunny spot (inside) reading my new books ... the perfect day!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Too Exhausted to Blog!

I am still recovering from this week's Wakakirri! I really don't do late nights!

Anyway, the weekend is here and I've just made a batch of pear and walnut muffins from Bill Granger's 'Holiday'. They are in the oven as I type but I will get a photo of them when they come out. I'm going to eat one with a cup of .....COFFEE! I haven't had a coffee in nearly 3 years but am getting really sick of tea and have decided I need more variety. So I bought a bottle of hazelnut syrup to add to the coffee to make it more palatable! I will probably be unable to sleep tonight from the caffeine hit..and the excitement!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Best Biccies Ever!

Last week I brought you the best cake in the world, well this week it's the best biccies ever!
Both recipes include bananas which must mean I have a particular leaning toward the delicious yellow fruit... just like my dad!
Anyway, these are called Nikki's Healthy Cookies and you can find the recipe on my favourite food blog I made them this afternoon and ate half the batter prior to cooking. But I don't feel guilty at all as these little lovelies contain no sugar, flour or butter and are mostly full of healthy ingredients. The main ingredient is 3 mashed bananas! I have to stop eating them now because I'm cooking roast pork for dinner and I want to have plenty of room for that! While you're on 101 cookbooks, check out the vegan recipe for Jamaican Veggie Patties - delicious!
The Land
Well, the soil testing was completed this week and it made no sense to me, all I know is that we will be building our house on top of lots of clay and jurassic dolorite rock! What that means for building, I'm not sure but it sounds kind of creative and creepy! Anyway, after talking to the architect Rob was satisfied that the report was all OK so we are still going ahead with the purchase.